4. Witness Position

The possibility of changing consciousness is connected with its division. The human being includes and is connected with consciousness of different levels and different manifestations.

When we look up from within or from behind to a higher consciousness, we do so from areas that correspond to our deepest consciousness, such as the manifestation of the psychic or the planes of the Purusha. Holding the gaze, we transfer them from a latent state to an active one, into the position of an observer or a witness. The Witness observes the descent, observes the plane, authorizes the action on the plane, and holds the action until it is completed. The manifestation and deepening of the position of the witness occurs very slowly, through a huge number of attempts and a gradual transformation of planes.

In this practice, the body in motion manifests aspiration, which leads to a constant descent from higher planes, and allows you to maintain the position of the observer until the action is performed on the plane and the desired result is achieved. This is one of the key points of the practice.

The witness primarily observes the planes of the body. The planes of the body (or more complete than the human being) are overwhelmingly present in the lower manifestation of the physical, vital and mental qualities. These planes are worlds, places with power, organized and intense consciousness of various forms of manifestation and action, but self-sufficient in their own estimation, insisting on the current manifestation, in fact denying or forgetting the source of their origin.

The Witness in the plane acts as a direct manifestation of the higher state of this plane or as a messenger from the higher state of the One, as one who has the vision of the correct state and the authority to change. The plane in the lower state contains consciousness in an accumulated, fixed and distorted state.

The Witness reminds and points out to the plane that all this mass of consciousness, accumulated as a manifestation of a certain quality, can exist in a wider, freer and filled with deep joy state. The Witness reveals to the plane that it is a part of the One, can exist as a part of it in the general splendour, freedom and Ananda. The possibility and aspiration to restore unity is the most profound and dominant movement.

When touched deeply enough, the planes cannot resist this movement and form their own momentum for transformation.

In other words, the possibility of transferring the plane to a higher state is connected not with its purification, as it were, or an attempt to destroy the existing formation by force, but with the awakening in terms of striving for its conscious reunion with the highest manifestation.