2. How to use the technique

The basic technique of practice is described in the chapter “Basic Movement”. By following it, one can gradually develop all the necessary elements of practice, movements and results. But, since the initial states of practitioners are extremely different, and some stages can be very long in time, all further chapters have been added.

They mainly refer to the period of the practitioner’s development, which Sri Aurobindo called the “intermediate zone”, and even more to its beginning, when great personal effort is required.

These comments are purely practical. They are intended to give the practitioner an impression of what sooner or later, to some extent, he will have to face.

Another purpose – when the practitioner develops a certain experience – to serve as a hint for him in determining the direction of development and overcoming difficulties.

The comments do not describe possible experiences and their sequence – each practitioner will have his own manifestation in line with the general approach. Although the comments are structured in a certain way, they simply describe the same phenomenon from different angles.

Through great difficulties, retreats, observations and discoveries, great patience, perseverance and trust, practice and yoga will gradually reveal to you an ever simpler and clearer hidden operating truth and incomparably more complex forms and mysteries of manifestation than what we see around. They will bring us closer to what Sri Aurobindo called “The living truth of you”.

Have a good journey!