About This Practice
The idea of this practice is that when we realise complete aspiration to the Divine it means that the Divine manifests in our being.
But to realise it straight away and entirely is very difficult. Therefore, a special approach is used for consecutive opening of the planes of our being and their gradual transformation into Divine manifestation.
This practice is one of the practical applications in the Integral Yoga of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.
This practice is complex and difficult but it can lead to the expected fruits of yoga. In general, it is proposed to those who are already familiar with the main concepts and aims of the Integral Yoga. It is for those who aspire to realisation in this yoga and are prepared to work on themselves and are looking for a practical method for the progress in this direction.
This practice has no restriction except a physical condition preventing walking. It is oriented towards self-practice. This practice is not recommended as an introduction to the yoga of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Nevertheless, from the methodological viewpoint it can be useful for all those who are interested in yoga and self-development.
This practice is written somewhat from the viewpoint of the “westerner” with his weak faith in the Divine and inclination to the occult experience but with the urge to act.
How to Use the Methodology
The main method of this practice is given in the chapter “The Main Movement”. By following this approach one can gradually develop all the necessary elements for this practice as well as the necessary movements and the results. However, because the initial states of sadhakas are very different and some stages can take a very long time, the other subsequent chapters are added to it as comments.
These chapters are related to a period of sadhakas’ development called by Sri Aurobindo “the intermediate zone”, mainly to its beginning when a hard individual effort is required.
These comments are of a very practical character. They are intended to show to a sadhaka all those things he will have to come across in one form or another at some point in time.
The other purpose of these comments is to give some clues in choosing the line of development and in overcoming the hindrances when the sadhaka’s own experience begins to develop.
These comments do not give a description of possible experiences and their sequence, each seeker will have his own individual manifestation in the general stream of this approach. Though the comments are arranged in a particular way they just describe the same phenomenon from different points of view.
Through great difficulties and relapses, by observation and discoveries, with a great patience, perseverance and trust practice and yoga gradually will reveal more and more simpler and clearer the acting Truth hidden behind and incomparably more complex forms and mysteries of this Manifestation. They will bring us closer to what Sri Aurobindo has called “The living truth of you”.
Wish you a good journey!